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Memory Usage


This page displays the Indexima memory usage per table, hyperindex, and nodes. You can drill down up to the memory consumption at the node level.

Access Memory Page

List of schemas and total memory size


Get Detail for all the tables in the schema

  • Dataspace types

Color depends on the type of the table

ColorDataspace types
GREEN Dimension Dataspace
BLUE Fact Dataspace

External Table

Limited Table

  • Total Size

RAM size used by the hyperindex. If you hoover your cursor over the blue rectangle you get details on DICOs size vs INDEX size

  • Load

When GREEN, index are loaded and active, When ORANGE, index are unloaded and no more RAM are allocated form them. The number indicates the number of index loaded.

Memory size of a table

On the right panel, once you click on a specified table, information related to the table would be displayed in the right panel

The right panel contains the following 2 tabs:



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