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ADD Index is the command that allows users to add an index on FACT Tables.



ALTER TABLE <table> ADD [<Main>] INDEX [<Index_Name>] (<key>,<Agregate>)[INNER | LEFT JOIN myschema.TableY ON (Join conditions)]


The table you want to add an index on.

<Main> (optional)

The MAIN option acts as if all columns are duplicates. This means, all rows and columns are stored in the Indexima K-store.

<Index_Name> (optional)

Users can define an index name. When a user doesn't define an index name, the default name is <table><#>  where  <#> is the next available index number (starting at 0).

<Index Definition>

The index can contain:

  • any column of the altered table.
  • any formula ( using build-in functions) based on one or several column names.
  • any basic aggregations: Sum, Min, Max, Avg, Count.


ALTER TABLE myschema.my_table ADD INDEX ( Col1, Year(Col2), Sum(Col3));

PreJoin index: Index using an extra table (with a JOIN)

An index can also contain one or more joins. 

The index can contain:

  • any column of the altered table.
  • any column of the joined tables.
  • any formula ( using build-in functions) based on one or more column names of the altered table or the joined table.
  • any basic aggregate: Sum, Min, Max, Avg, Count.
  • Join can only be LEFT or INNER.


ALTER TABLE myschema.mytable ADD Index (mytable.col1, join_table1.colN, Sum(mytable.col2))
JOIN join_table1
     on (mytable.Col3= join_table1.Col3bis)


This SQL command does not return anything.

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